Thursday, November 24, 2011

Counting Down

I have been in Geneva for almost FOUR MONTHS! This totally blows my mind. I can finally say that I am completely settled in. I don't really get lost in city anymore (for the most part), I have decided on my favorite foods and brands (although I haven't yet tried all the chocolates options), I am learning this whole layering system to avoid freezing to death,  I have come to terms with this ridiculous grading system, and I am finally realizing that a 20 CHF dinner is in fact a super good deal. 

There are certain things that I know I will never get use to and things that I miss more and more as time goes by. I am never going to be okay with my roommate's cat sneaking into my room, I will continue to mourn the fact that I am getting paler by the second, I will forever wish I could get a hug from my mom, a kiss from my boyfriend, or even a smile from my sister after a tough day, and will never get use to not eating ice cream or frozen yogurt at least once a week. 

However, I am keeping myself busy. I am learning a lot. I am experiencing new things. I am finding the positive in the situation. When the day is full of great moments I smile and when things get tough I simply remind myself that the count down has already begun. Then, I also smile and I keep looking forward to more adventures to turn into amazing memories.
Dinner and Play "Rhinoceros" with Rotaract Geneve 
The Rotarct of Geneve has been a blessing in my Swiss experience. They have really taken me in like family and have exposed to Swiss culture and what I would call a "grown-up social life." Every time we have a meeting or an event I leave feeling wiser, more cultured, and blessed to have Rotary everywhere I go. 

Green Week Posters for the Environmental Committee

I have joined many different clubs at the Institute. I have really enjoyed getting involved and  feeling part of a greater community. The environmental committee has especially been rewarding. Not only it has given me the chance to help out and create environmental awareness but it has exposed me to issues I didn't know about and inspired me to become a better more responsible citizen and human being. 

Assembly Room at the UN (the ceiling is spectacular)

Living in Geneva has made of the UN (of course) my second home. I couldn't tell you how many times I have walked around the premises of the the Palais de Nation, eaten at the UN cafeteria, studied at the beautiful library, sat in the garden, or stared at the amazing art pieces that decorate every hall and room of the buildings. I have been lucky enough to participate in several seminars, conferences, lectures and debates.  Every time I look at my UN badge or come home after a day in the UN I can't help but smile as I am getting a little taste of my future career dreams. 

Fete des fous! Beginning of carnaval. 

One of my favorite things about living abroad is that everyday I am exposed to new things. Even when I don't understand or can't relate to different traditions and events, it is always fun to join in into a new experience. 

Halloween GISA Party 

As class representative and Social Chair for GISA I have had the chance to help students bond through many fun social events. I was really happy to be able to celebrate holidays that remind me of home with an international twist as I learn other cultures approach to my same traditions.