Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Making it Count

Once again,  adopting an adventurous spirit I have continued my travels throughout Switzerland and beyond. It is amazing how fast time goes by when you keep yourself busy.

Last week, I joined a group of lovely UN interns for a wonderful Sunday in Lausanne. The weather was not the best, but Lausanne is always a nice place to visit. A lovely lunch by the lake and a nice walk downtown can always bring my spirit up even when the sun is missing.

I also had the pleasure of visiting the vineyards in Lacaux. The view was absolutely amazing and once again I enjoyed the multicultural company of some lovely students and interns.

After more than 8 months in Switzerland I FINALLY made my way to Zurich! I was forced, yes forced, to do some shopping since it rained most of the day, but I was also able to walk around town, see the lake and the river, and finally admire a beautiful view of the city. I stayed at my friend Artemis's grandparents house. They were absolutely adorable and great hosts. They even insisted on making me lunch to take with me the next day. I not only felt so cared for, but I was able to enjoy a wonderful conversation with a French Swiss (grandma) and a German Swiss (grandpa) over tea. I love learning about other cultures and hearing the stories of those who have had so many interesting experiences.

For Easter break, I decided to go visit my friend Katrin in Vienna. It was a last minute get away decision, but also one I am extremely glad i made! Austria is beautiful! Katrin once again proved to be an amazing host and tour guide. I spent some time in her family's home in the outskirts of the city and a couple nights in her flat in Vienna. Although my german is pretty rusty, I enjoyed meeting her family and they were all very welcoming and caring.

It was great to visit the city, eat a million different types of bread and pastries, attend a traditional festival, admire the architecture and monuments, shop in the street market and fancy shops, visit museums (I saw The Kiss, my all time favorite painting!), relax in the award winning benches in MQ, submerge myself in the German language, and spend time with one of my best friends. All in all an amazing trip! 

My ambassadorial year is slowly coming to an end and it has surely brought a lot of ups and downs, some of which can be very overwhelming. Sometimes getting away for a few days is exactly what you need to clear up your mind and this trip could not have come at a better time. 

I really miss home and I am still counting down the days to go back, but I am also making the rest of my days here in Switzerland really count. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Beautiful Spring

Spring has made its way to Switzerland and oh is it beautiful. With only two more months to go, I have been filing up my schedule with lots of activities. I want to take advantage of my last weeks in Switzerland and at the same time can't wait to be back home with lots of stories to share.

Joining the hiking club is seriously one of the best ideas I have ever had. Switzerland from the top is simply breath taking. I would have never thought of myself as the "outdoorsy type" but the more I hike, the more I breath the fresh air, the more I see the beauty of the Alps, the more I fall in love with nature and with Switzerland.

Le Reculet proved to be quite challenging. I was amazed to see the difference in terrains. Half way up the mountain we went from a rocky ground to hills full of snow. I have come to accept that there is no appropriate clothing or shoes or enough amount of preparation that you can have when taking on these type of adventures, no matter what, a hike is full of surprises!

Le Mole was a long but very pleasant hike. I do not know if it was do to the better weather, the fact that we were climbing the south side of the mountain (which allowed us to avoid the snow), or simply that I am becoming a better fit and a lot better hiker, but this last hike was definitely my favorite. Arriving to the summit and admiring the view while enjoying a meal, taking pictures and celebrating the victory, felt so sureal. I felt so blessed to be able to experience all of it.

One of the harshest things about being abroad is losing your comfort zone. For this reason, building a community is extremely important. When you are far away from the people you love, when events in your life bring you down, when you need a hug or someone to listen, that community is what keeps you going. I have been extremely lucky to find a family here in Geneva. Through good and bad times I do not feel alone because of the amazing friends I have made.

Katrin came to visit from Austria and it was refreshing to catch up and enjoying a girl weekend. Whether it is chitchatting by the lake, taking a walk in old town, drinking hot chocolate at a cute cafe, or having a girl sleepover, I have learned that moments become the best memories because of the people you share them with.

I miss home. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss Jovan. I miss the warm texas sun. I miss comfort and familiarity. There are days when I wonder what I am doing here, what I am suppose to be doing, learning, seeing, and living. There are times i wonder if this is right, how my life would be different if I had made different choices. There are times I close my eyes and pray for enlightenment, guidance, a sign, a plan. But then I come to understand that love, life and situations are sometimes unpredictable, unexplainable and we must take them as they come and accept them as they are. We must look at life with good eyes, affront situations with a positive spirit and remember to take with us the best memories.

I might never figure out why I am in Geneva or what I am doing here, but one thing is sure, in my memories and my heart, Geneva will always be walks by the lake, shopping in the old town, UN seminars, saturdays hiking the Alps, delicious chocolate and unlimited fondue, a time of learning and personal growth and friendships of a lifetime.